Can A Homeowners’ Association Impose A Cap On The Number Of Renters Allowed?

HOAs Impose Limits on the Number of Renters

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Can A Homeowners’ Association Impose A Cap On The Number Of Renters Allowed? Can A Homeowners’ Association Impose A Cap On The Number Of Renters Allowed? The question has been asked of whether an Association can vote for a renter’s cap? In short, the answer is it may be possible, but if […]

Buyers Of Homes From Association Foreclosures Handed Defeat By Supreme Court

Defeats Buyers of HOA Foreclosed Homes

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Buyers Of Homes From Association Foreclosures Handed Defeat By Supreme Court Buyers Of Homes From Association Foreclosures Handed Defeat By Supreme Court On October 16, 2020, the Nevada Supreme Court issued a decision in several cases which effectively cut off lawsuits by individuals or companies who purchased a home out of an […]

Political Signs

Political Signs

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Political Signs Political Signs As the November election draws near, it is not surprising that complaints over political signs, flags and other statements within community associations has grown. Certainly NRS 116.325 allows owners and tenants to exhibit one or more political sign within that portion of the common-interest community they either own […]

Flag Display Regulations

Flag Display Regulations

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Flag Display Regulations Flag Display Regulations Nevada and Federal law alike restrict those regulations a community association may place on a homeowner’s ability to display a flag of the United States and the State of Nevada.  However, many architectural requests by homeowners can fall outside the State or Federal regulations or pose […]

Filling Board Vacancies While Ensuring The Staggering Of Terms

Consult an Attorney

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Filling Board Vacancies While Ensuring The Staggering Of Terms Filling Board Vacancies While Ensuring The Staggering Of Terms All Association Boards will face vacancies from time-to-time.  Those vacancies can be caused by Board member resignations, recalls or individuals passing away.  But what to do when those vacancies occur?  Fortunately, Nevada law has […]

Received A Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint From HUD – Now What?

Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint from HUD

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Received A Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint From HUD – Now What? What Should Our HOA Do after Receiving A Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint from HUD? It can be more common than you might think for a conscientious, well-structured, and functioning HOA to have a complaint alleging discrimination filed against it with the […]

Does An Association Need An Investment Policy? Answer: It Depends.

Fair Housing Discrimination Complaint from HUD

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Does An Association Need An Investment Policy? Answer: It Depends. Does An Association Need An Investment Policy? Answer: It Depends. A question was recently posed to our firm asking what is a manager’s obligation to ensure the communities they represent have written investment policies and procedures in place?  In short, NAC 116A.630 […]

An Association’s Obligation To Prevent Discrimination Under The Fair Housing Act

ISAACSON LAW BLOG An Association’s Obligation To Prevent Discrimination Under The Fair Housing Act An Association’s Obligation To Prevent Discrimination Under The Fair Housing Act Rooting out discriminatory practices has long been a goal in our Country and is largely the ideal upon which our nation was founded.  After all, the original English settlers came […]

COVID-19 Restrictions Update

COVID-19 Restrictions Update

ISAACSON LAW BLOG COVID-19 Restrictions Update COVID-19 Restrictions Update As the COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, our office has been presented with questions from homeowners, associations and managers alike asking when and how they may open community swimming pools. While we certainly understand the desire to open the swimming pools and get back to life […]