Medical Malpractice

Brachial Plexus & Erb’s Palsy


Brachial Plexus & Erb’s Palsy

When a doctor or physician assists a mother in delivering her child, absolute care and caution must be exercised at every moment. Using too much force, pulling the child in an awkward angle, and much more can all be a single mistake that has lifelong repercussions in the form of a birth injury. In particular, an excess of force or contorting the child can cause arm and shoulder injuries known as brachial plexus and Erb’s palsy.

If your child was born with an arm-related injury, it is likely due to some form of medical malpractice during the birthing process, or perhaps immediately before it. Isaacson Law and our Las Vegas birth injury attorneys will help you file a claim against the negligent hospital or medical staff that harmed your newborn.

Contact our firm today to begin.

Birth Injuries That Afflict a Child’s Arm

It is not uncommon for a doctor to help a mother and an infant during the delivery process by pulling gently on the child’s arm. This practice is only acceptable if the doctor knows exactly what he or she is doing. There is no margin for error and any form of carelessness must not be tolerated.

Pulling on a newborn’s arm incorrectly can cause:

Medical malpractice cases are difficult to prepare and even harder to win.
It is critical that you work with an attorney who is well-versed in medical injuries and a confident litigator. Inside and outside of the courtroom, our legal team has the experience, resources, and knowledge to advocate for you.

We are Adamant About Winning Birth Injury Claims

Our Las Vegas personal injury lawyers are well-known throughout Nevada for being tenacious and hard-hitting when going up against opposing counsel. When we are managing a birth injury case that involves a poor child harmed through negligence, our passion for what we do is magnified tenfold. Give us a call at (702) 529-2559 to learn more about your rights and legal options. You are also encouraged to review our recent case results to see some of the victories our counsel has brought our clients.

No Shortage Of Excellent Services

We are here to help you. Contact us today to learn more about how to achieve a positive outcome in your case!