Taking Photos and Videos After a Vehicle Crash Is Super Important

Why Taking Photos After A Car Crash Is Important

Why Taking Photos After A Car Crash Is Important

When it comes to documenting a vehicular accident, there is no better proof of what happened than photographs and videos. We are fortunate enough to live at a time when technology has advanced to where we all have cameras with us in our cell phones. They are with us almost all of the time. After an accident, the pictures and videos we took at the time archive and verify the events and details of what happened, including any serious injuries sustained. Experienced and skillful lawyers love these because they are able to use them as evidence to press ahead for the compensation you deserve.


Here are some universal tips for taking pictures and videos after a car, truck, pedestrian, or for that matter any accident.


  • Check for any injuries. Before grabbing your cell phone or camera to document the incident, it’s important to check yourself, your passengers, and others at the scene for any significant injuries that appear to require immediate medical attention.

  • Take as many pictures as you can. As memory space permits, don’t hold back when it comes to documenting as much as possible. Make sure you take pictures of all vehicles involved and be sure to include both exterior and interior shots. You’d be surprised how many people miss taking pictures of key evidence contained inside vehicles. Focus on including the damages sustained, road and weather conditions, stop lights and street signs, witnesses on the scene, as well as any skid marks or debris on the road.

  • Take multiple pictures from various angles. We often only take one picture and tend to move on to the next shot. It’s particularly important to get multiple images of the same thing from different angles because they often help depict a more complete picture of the incident.

  • Download and archive the photos and videos in multiple places. You would be surprised how often people actually lose their accident photos and videos. It’s a good idea to purchase an inexpensive thumb drive and dedicate it to your accident photos. Store them on the cloud and on your computer as well. Put them on an external hard drive. You never want to risk losing irreplaceable video evidence because it was taken when your computer was stolen or crashed hard. Have back-ups.

  • Record the healing progress of any injuries. Document the injuries you suffered at the scene of the accident and continue to follow video throughout your recovery process to demonstrate the duration and severity of the injuries.


When you have been involved in a crash in Las Vegas, request a free consultation with Isaacson Law today!