Defunding Homeowners’ Associations Is A Recipe For Disaster


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There is an emerging trend for wannabe neighborhood politicos and attention seekers to bash homeowners’ associations. Whether warranted or not there’s a lot of vitriol being vented at homeowner meetings. Finger-pointing and criticism are rampant. Social media platforms like Nextdoor, Facebook, and Instagram are rife with disgruntled renters and homeowners grinding their axes about association covenants and rules.
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Fueling these fires is the boundless support from certain “action” media types bent on souring public opinion to maintain the enraged engagement of readers and viewers alike. Public and online whippings of associations, their officers, and employees are becoming as ugly as the medieval sport of bear baiting!

Disgruntlement in certain pockets of America has even reached the fevered pitch where there are demands to defund homeowners’ associations.

Please! Be wary! Endorsing such thoughts, even in silence, leads to unintended consequences.

First, know that your homeowner rights are protected by Nevada Revised Statute Chapter 116. If you’re a studious type who likes reading “govern-ese” and enjoys seeing the original source, click here for Nevada State Law. These statutes are consummate. They define terminology and govern common-interest communities, establish boundaries, and address construction issues. The statutes even address the removal of homeowner association board members. The average person or board member trying to navigate these laws will absolutely need the help of a qualified, experienced, and seasoned attorney.

Now, the worm in defunding homeowners’ associations is what happens when we no longer have them.

Like locks on sheds, homeowners’ associations keep honest and good people, honest and good. But it’s the exceptions to the rules that drive us nuts.

At one point or another, we have all probably been subjected to a noisy neighbor having parties until 3:00 am while you’re trying to put the kids to sleep; the hoarder with appliances and trash in the front yard creating an eyesore of the community; the shade tree mechanic constantly repairing vehicles out front, complete with oil stains and used parts strewn about; the unbridled builder adding on another poorly conceived and executed project sawing and hammering all night; the go-kart/ATV family who thinks sunup and community streets are for racing; or the artist who feels painting their home shocking pink and yellow will really make an abstract statement.

Properly functioning homeowners’ associations are democratic organizations, bound by the bylaws, budgetary controls, and the votes of those affected. They are tasked with standardizing appearance, ensuring fair use of amenities and access to rights-of-way, governing parking, overseeing common area maintenance and improvements, and protecting home values and preferred lifestyles of their residential communities. Without them, communities can digress into neglectful disrepair, the chaos of conduct, and increased crime.

Free Lawyer Consultation

Troy Isaacson may well be the most qualified “HOA attorney near me.” He understands and knows the value of homeowner associations. He has consulted, guided, and advocated for hundreds of them. With over 25 years of experience, he has literally touched every aspect, from real estate and HOA disputes to issues of defective products and faulty construction, personal injuries, contractual law, restitution, homeowners’ association organization, management, and functionality. He has proven experience in resolving your case and there is no shortage of excellent services.