How Does Having An HOA Benefit My Community?

Advantages of HOA

ISAACSON LAW BLOG How Does Having An HOA Benefit My Community? How Does Having An HOA Benefit My Community? Many homeowners, especially first-time buyers, want to know “How does having an HOA benefit me?” That’s truly a valid question, so here are a few simple truths. HOAs ensure standardization and uniformity of appearances and functionality […]

Common Issues Homeowner Associations Have To Deal With

HOA Common Issues

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Common Issues Homeowner Associations Have To Deal With Rely on Homeowner Associations to Deal with Problems If you have ever lived in a neighborhood where no homeowners association existed, you will enjoy this article more than most people.   Homeowner Associations (HOAs) help community residents a lot. Look at the popular Nextdoor […]

2023 Nevada Legislative Session – Fourth Update

Nevada Legislative Session Fourth Update

ISAACSON LAW BLOG 2023 Nevada Legislative Session – Fourth Update 2023 Nevada Legislative Session – Fourth Update The 2023 Legislative Session continues to move forward.  April 10th marks the 64th day of the Legislative Session, putting us just over the halfway mark.  Bills must be passed out of committee no later than April 14, 2023, to be […]

2023 Legislative Update – Third Update

Legislative Third Update

ISAACSON LAW BLOG 2023 Legislative Update – Third Update 2023 Legislative Update – Third Update March 20, 2023, puts us forty-three days into the 82nd Legislative Session.  Only seventy-seven days Legislation continues to be proposed as we are still early in the legislative process with seventy-four days remaining before the session closes. Those bills outlined in […]

2023 Legislative Update – Second Update

Legislative Second Update

ISAACSON LAW BLOG 2023 Legislative Update – Second Update 2023 Legislative Update – Second Update March 20, 2023, puts us forty-three days into the 82nd Legislative Session.  Only seventy-seven days remain!  Last week, two bills were introduced, which if passed, would have profound effects on Nevada community associations.  A summary of those bills is as follows: […]

2023 Legislative Update

2023 Legislative Updates

ISAACSON LAW BLOG 2023 Legislative Update 2023 Legislative Update The 82nd Legislative Session is fully underway! The Legislature has 120 days (until June 5, 2023) to meet and pass any bills for the Governor’s consideration, and as usual, the laws surrounding community associations are a target for possible change. You’ll want to keep on the lookout […]

Do Nevada HOAs Have To Register As A Corporation

Nevada HOAs need to register as corporations

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Do Nevada HOAs Have To Register As A Corporation Do Nevada HOAs Have To Register As A Corporation By law homeowners’ associations (HOAs) in the State of Nevada must register as corporations. Nearly all are non-profits, so in those cases, they also have to abide by state and federal not-for-profit laws. Because […]

Top 5 BEST HOAs In Las Vegas

Top 5 HOAs in Las Vegas

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Top 5 BEST HOAs In Las Vegas Top 5 BEST HOAs In Las Vegas Some of the best homeowner associations can be found in Las Vegas communities. Especially the ones that offer exceptional luxuries, guaranteed property value, and assist with security and safety.  HOA communities provide residents with the conveniences of quick […]

Can Nevada Community Associations Restrict Guns?

gun restrictions in Nevada

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Can Nevada Community Associations Restrict Guns? Can Nevada Community Associations Restrict Guns? Unfortunately, crime does exist.  Given this reality, while all may not agree, some individuals believe carrying a gun is the best way to protect themselves.  Others assert that carrying a weapon only leads to further crime and gun-related injuries. Recently […]