Common Issues Homeowner Associations Have To Deal With

Rely on Homeowner Associations to Deal with Problems
If you have ever lived in a neighborhood where no homeowners association existed, you will enjoy this article more than most people.
Homeowner Associations (HOAs) help community residents a lot. Look at the popular Nextdoor app for daily proof. Many neighbors who are part of HOAs post on it about the various conflicts and issues they are facing. These range from common area access and use to maintenance, noise control, and disputes with neighbors. When reading these posts, you can’t help but get an idea about what an HOA is capable of dealing with and how it might be able to help. Plus, HOAs are great ways to stay informed and connected with your local community.
HOAs deal with things like:
Porch pirates
Broken mailboxes
Incessantly barking dogs
Parking issues
Suspicious vehicles driving slowly by homes
Party hardy neighbors
Gaudily painted houses
Unkept lawns and yards
All of these are important issues that HOAs face on a daily basis. Residents inevitably hold their HOAs responsible for the things they want for their communities to remain safe and peaceful. People expect positive responses in solving issues. After all, they pay annual dues and they reasonably expect something in exchange.
Residents justifiably want porch pirates and thieves who vandalize mailboxes to be stopped. HOAs typically respond by installing gated fencing, electronic surveillance, stepped up patrols, and begin community watch groups.
When it comes to barking dogs, HOAs issue warnings, pay visits to owners, enact fines, and contact authorities.
HOAs address parking issues such as long-term vehicles left in front of homes, RV and boat placement, the number of vehicles allowed, and ongoing repair and rebuilds.
HOAs alert residents about suspicious activities and safety issues.
HOAs make communities more livable and enjoyable by regulating the outward appearance of homes for paint selection, décor, plants and landscaping, outbuildings, and add-ons or buildouts to existing structures.
But neighborhoods have other concerns as well:
Hoarders with appliances on their porches and in their yards
Car parts driveways and yards
Unruly kids and visitors
Access and easements
Solar installations
Community upkeep and maintenance for sidewalks, playgrounds, dog parks, landscaping, water runoff, community centers, pools, golf courses, and more
Unwanted through traffic
Short-term rental houses
Financial reserves for capital improvements
Water abatement projects
Unleashed dogs roaming at large and soiling yards, common areas, and walkways
Changes in governmental rules and regulations
Protection of property values
HOAs have a myriad of responsibilities that can be absolutely overwhelming for even the best-intended homeowners organization.
That’s where the Isaacson Law Firm comes in. The Isaacson Law Firm helps because we have seen and dealt with all of the above issues and more. We are one of the area’s premier law firms to assist HOAs. With years of experience and a vast knowledge about pitfalls and emerging trends, rely on us to be on the vanguard.
The Isaacson Law Firm monitors and stays current about new enactments by the Nevada State Legislature, Clark County, and various municipalities across Nevada. We know about changes coming to existing laws and regulations that will affect HOAs.
At the end of the day, HOAs and homeowners have the same goals: they want safeguarded and protected communities. And they both know the Isaacson Law Firm helps accomplish these.

- (702) 529-2559
- 9900 Covington Cross Drive Suite 210-B Las Vegas, NV 89144
Monday – Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
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