What Every HOA Needs To Know To Get Ready For The Super Bowl

What Every HOA Needs To Know To Get Ready For The Super Bowl
For decades, Super Bowl weekends served as a boon to Vegas tourism. The mantra had been, “if you can’t go to the game, then the next best place to watch it is in Vegas!”
Now the best place to watch the game has also become the place hosting it.
In a rematch of 2020’s Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers, fans are expected to descend on Las Vegas in record numbers like never before.
Even prior to the NFL playoff games and the process of determining the final two teams, the Las Vegas Convention & Visitors Authority had already estimated 330,000 people would be coming into Las Vegas for the big game. With two of the most popular teams in history now playing, and with one of the teams coming in from a primary city that feeds a glut of tourists to Vegas, we expect this number to grow. As a Super Bowl destination, Las Vegas will be like a raging athlete on steroids.
People are already primed and expecting more from the Vegas Super Bowl.
It is easy and inexpensive to travel here and even if you can’t go to the big game, you can get as near as can be, like a moth to a flame. View the game on the biggest screens while in the Entertainment Capital of the World. People coming to town are expecting to bump into some of their favorite sports heroes and even stars like Taylor Swift. Las Vegas already draws the biggest names in news, sports, and entertainment; and during this year’s inaugural Super Bowl event, sightings are expected to be off the charts.
Short-term rentals are in high demand and still available.
While there are plenty of rooms on and off the Strip, their prices have soared. It’s a safe bet to expect that short-term rentals will be in high demand. They offer cost savings, rooms for lots of people, and amenities that simply are not offered in Vegas hotel rooms. Short term rentals are still available for the Super Bowl. There are plenty of current listings, some able to accommodate 10 people or more and priced to move at $2,000 to $4,000 for 5 consecutive nights.
Needless to say, on a daily basis, short-term rentals will continue to be problematic for area HOAs. But the impact from the Super Bowl goes beyond the flood of incoming outsiders renting short term. It is expected that normally sane, responsible, and quiet local residents will turn into raging Super Bowl celebrants. Meaning we can expect normal neighbors to throw massive residential Super Bowl parties and events.
The neighborhood Super Bowl parties will bring:
- Lots of cars parked in front of houses and blocking accesses and driveways.
- Speeders and drunk people careening through neighborhoods and streets.
- Loud music will blare before and after the game.
- There will be loud backyard audio of the actual game itself streamed across communities.
- Fires from grills, pits, and fireworks will break out.
- Trash, broken glass, and other litter will be strewn about and windblown.
- Police sirens will scream in response.
- Emergency personnel and ambulances will be dispatched to neighborhoods.
- And drama will reign in general.
What can your HOA do about the pending chaos caused by Super Bowl fervor?
Suppress short-term rentals.
Despite record-setting fines of $180,000 being recently handed out, unregulated, unlicensed short-term rentals continue to operate profitably. Especially in Henderson and North Las Vegas neighborhoods. Troy Isaacson has been involved in many cases where HOA clients have had to deal with the negative effects of short-term rentals. You can rely on him now.
Make last minute Super Bowl preparations for your community
Firstly, use some of the content in this article to send an alert to your community’s residents about what to expect others might do during the Super Bowl and possible difficulties during it.
Secondly, alert and tell resident the best and most efficient ways to handle:
- Noise abatement
- Access and parking issues
- Trespassing
- Crimes in progress
Reporting incidents over the following days
Thirdly, increase the visibility of security patrols, gate access, and posting notices about camera surveillance.
Fourthly, recommend that residents remain non-confrontational in resolving issues where people are clearly in no mood to be compliant. While property can be repaired or replaced, quiet and peaceful conduct can return, and a few days of commotion will pass; bodily injury is permanent and lost lives, of course, cannot be replaced.
Fifthly, establish positive contact with a proven HOA attorney like Troy Isaacson right now to ensure you are ahead of problems and ready and able to rapidly respond to any negative incidents. Have the needed expertise and guidance already loaded and in place should your HOA have to focus on dangerous or pesky issues from the Super Bowl.
Rely on the Isaacson Law Firm to keep your HOA updated about current community and even national events that impact you. Know too, that Troy Isaacson watches and reports on current state legislation and area regulations that impact your HOA and community. Troy helps you plan ahead and helps you handle things that become too hot for your own hands. Help is just a contact away.

- (702) 529-2559
- 9900 Covington Cross Drive Suite 210-B Las Vegas, NV 89144
Monday – Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm
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