Class Action Lawsuit For Hyundai Veloster Turbo

Class Action Lawsuit For Hyundai

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Class Action Lawsuit For Hyundai Veloster Turbo Class Action Lawsuit For Hyundai Veloster Turbo On November 22, 2016, Nicholas Wylie and Shawna Wylie filed a lawsuit on behalf of themselves and all similarly-situated individuals who purchased or leased any Hyundai Veloster, Hyundai Sonata (Eco) and Hyundai Elantra (Eco) vehicles equipped with a seven-speed dual-clutch […]

How To Determine Fault In A Parking Lot Accident In Las Vegas

A Parking Lot Accident In Las Vegas

ISAACSON LAW BLOG How To Determine Fault In A Parking Lot Accident In Las Vegas How To Determine Fault In A Parking Lot Accident In Las Vegas While it is not as traumatizing and disastrous as a highway collision or multi-vehicle pileup, parking lot accidents occur on a very frequent basis in Las Vegas. When an accident […]

Insurance Company Recorded Statements

HOA Needs A Lawyer

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Insurance Company Recorded Statements Insurance Company Recorded Statements One of the questions we often get is whether or not an individual should submit themselves to a recorded statement with an insurance adjuster. The answer is that it really depends on the facts and circumstances of each particular case. What to Include in […]

Who Is Responsible For A Multi-Vehicle Accident

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Who Is Responsible For A Multi-Vehicle Accident Who Is Responsible For A Multi-Vehicle Accident While most car accidents consist of two vehicles, about 12% of them involve three or more vehicles. Multi-vehicle accidents, also known as chain reaction collisions, are often present legal complexities since several parties may be responsible for the crash, injuries, […]

Why Taking Photos After A Car Crash Is Important

Why Taking Photos After A Car Crash Is Important

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Taking Photos and Videos After a Vehicle Crash Is Super Important Why Taking Photos After A Car Crash Is Important When it comes to documenting a vehicular accident, there is no better proof of what happened than photographs and videos. We are fortunate enough to live at a time when technology has […]

What You Should Do After A Car Accident


ISAACSON LAW BLOG What You Should Do After A Car Accident What You Should Do After A Car Accident A car accident can be a terrifying and frustrating experience, no matter how many times you have been involved in one. However, if you experience a collision for the first time and suffered serious injuries, there are important […]

Quick Settlements May Not Be In Your Best Interests

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Quick Settlements May Not Be In Your Best Interests Quick Settlements May Not Be In Your Best Interests As part of our work, our firm interacts with numerous insurance companies and claims representatives. For the most part, these are decent, hardworking folks, doing their jobs. Unfortunately, their jobs often entail working hard […]

Investing Reserve & Operating Funds


ISAACSON LAW BLOG Investing Reserve & Operating Funds Investing Reserve & Operating Funds It was recently reported by that a Canadian condo board voted to invest a portion of its reserve funds in Bitcoin. Given most board members have it pounded into their brains that they own their community a fiduciary obligation, I am […]

Resolve Your DC Ranch Tree Dispute: Expert Solutions Await

DC Ranch Tree Disputes

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Resolve Your DC Ranch Tree Dispute: Expert Solutions Await Resolve Your DC Ranch Tree Dispute: Expert Solutions Await A dispute has erupted between homeowners and their association in Scottsdale, Arizona. According to media reports, homeowners in the Silverleaf neighborhood of DC Ranch have filed a lawsuit against the association. The lawsuit seeks […]

Legislative Update – May 24, 2023

Legislative Update

ISAACSON LAW BLOG Legislative Update – May 24, 2023 Legislative Update – May 24, 2023 The 24th of May brings us to day 108 of the Nevada legislative session giving us only twelve remaining days before the Legislature must pass all bills out of both houses. Thus far, several bills have died, but some significant others […]